Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Control vs. Discipline

Recently I heard something that kind of stuck with me. It was concerning control vs. discipline. The person speaking said that control comes from fear and that discipline comes from love. This concept struck me as profound. It made me think of how one handles dealing with children. I've seen people try to control children before and I don't think it works very well. Usually there where screaming fits and tantrums, and I'm not always talking about the children either...In an effort to control, things sometimes degrade to chaos. Discipline on the hand comes from love; we enforce the rules not always because we want to, but because we know that it is in the best interest of the child. Boundaries must be set and if those boundaries are crossed there must be consequences, that is how children learn. It occurred to me that since I began my journey towards better health three years ago my goal has been to lower my weight by controlling my food. It's worked to a certain extent, up to a certain point. In order to truly reach my goal and to maintain once I get there I need to learn discipline. I need to learn to make my choices from a place of self-love, not simply out of fear. I though a good tool might be a blog, it seems to work for others!

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